Selling Used Items in Toronto

Toronto is home to vintage collectors, new immigrants moving to the city in search of their dreams, home owners, millennial’s chasing their dream job and home. Every day, there is constant movement of terms of real estate buying or selling. Some families relocate while others just want some changes to their existing place. And we all know how hard it gets to sell your dear home items or buy those select pieces for your dream space you just bought or moved in.
With the digitization of our life, the online options seem exciting as the control is on our fingertips. The most common e -sites to sell or buy used items includes:
- Let go
- Facebook marketplace
- Etsy
- ebay
- Kijiji
We bring you a list of stores whom you can contact for all your needs when it comes to buying or selling old stuff. Some of the stores will buy items only from offices while others accept home items too. We hope to ease out your work when next time you are looking for home items or you have trash to clear which maybe someone’s treasure. The best part of all is they pay you right away, so no more waiting till the items are gone.
Source liquidations – They buy furniture only from hotels or businesses.
Furniture Bank – They accept old and used furniture and give away to the people in need. A nice way to get rid off of your old stuff and doing Charity at the same time.
Sell My Stuff Canada– They will help you sell all your stuff. If you want to be left with a completely empty house at the end of the sale they also offer junk removal and clean up services
Guff – they buy old home stuff outright and you don’t have to wait until the items get sold.
Barry’s office furniture – They buy, sell, rent new, old and vintage office furniture.
You have kids’ toys that are no longer in use because your kids have outgrown them. Don’t worry. Once upon a child will accept used kids’ stuff from clothes to toys and pay you right away
You have fashionable accessories, clothing? Look no further, kind exchange is there to help.
Another wonderful option if you have designer collection of clothing and accessories and want to consign some one to sell your stuff – Fashionably Yours
Cash for Clothes Canada also pick up used clothes and pay 10 cents per pound of donations. A nice way to help community and be part of circular economy.
Interested in vintage items, stay tuned for our next blog.. see you soon