Be the Leaf
In the middle of a deep blue lake
Stands a tall green tree
Gusty winds took a leaf with them
Leaf kissed the tree, saying it’s final goodbyes
for a new journey ahead.
Soon, the wind lost it to the waters
It flowed, danced, rejoiced with every wave
For a moment it got stuck on a rock at lakeshore
Looking at the leaf, the rock felt sorry
I stand strong, I stand tall, waters touch me
But I still stand tall
Poor you, just floating with waters, I feel for you, it said
The leaf replied, I feel sorry for you
Your ego for standing tall
You stand tall but slowly getting carved
Every time the tides touch you, hit you hard
The Water leave it’s prints
Life is such, either slowly dissolve away in your ego
Flow with it, dance to its tunes, kiss the sunshine..
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