At the Edge of Cliff

I stand tall and high, at the edge of the cliff
Opening my arms, almost touching the sky.
That Edge over there, I am a bit drawn to it
Over there, where, sky and lake seem to kiss
And the Wind, teasing the two
Touching the water through the corner of its lips.
I am a bit drawn to the beauty so vast
My blood bubbling through my body,
To jump up high and really touch the sky.
It seems perilous though,
Almost uncertain,
To flex up my pounding body so high.
I fear of losing my balance, falling over the rocks below me
My silent death only heard by my present companions.
Over the week, when I don’t return,
Shall someone come searching for me
Only to find,
My dead, rancid body covered by fall foliage
My half rotten body almost looks like the rocks, mold, fall leaves covering me.
My soul would have traveled to that Edge
The Edge, where, sky and lake seem to kiss
The Wind teasing the two
The blue of water and the blue of sky are one!